Are you an international student planning to apply to a US university later this year? Here is a basic checklist of some essential things to do now.
Make sure you have the required personal documents for being a person out in the world. Check that they are up to date. This includes:
A valid passport
A valid national ID. If you are in Brazil, your national ID is your RG. It expires when you turn 18. Be ready to update your RG soon after your 18th birthday.
Voter registration
Proof of fulfilling military service requirements, or a waiver (usually this requirement is for males when they turn 18)
A tax ID (CPF in Brazil, social security number in the US)
Up-to-date proof of immunizations. Most residential university campuses will require full childhood immunizations, full Covid immunizations and boosters.
Ask your parents or guardians to gather their most recent tax and financial documents. In order to obtain a student visa, you will need to show you have the financial support equivalent to the cost of one year of study. Some universities may ask for this documentation at the time of applying. Check university websites what documents they will require. Avoid the stress by knowing what to expect early and being prepared.
If you plan to do English Language Proficiency and/or Standardized testing (SAT or ACT), choose your test dates and prepare for success by planning out sufficient time for test prep. Available seats at the test centers fill quickly, especially for test dates in the second half of the year. You will need a valid photo ID to register for testing. Make sure you register with your name as it appears on your photo ID.
Schedule a meeting with your school counselor to let them know you plan to apply to universities abroad later in the year.
Ask for their support and collaboration in this endeavor.
Provide them the list of universities to which you intend to apply, and the required documents those institutions will need to receive from your school, like your transcript, a school profile and letters of recommendation.
Inform them of deadlines, giving them plenty of time to provide these documents.
If you are in your third year of ensino médio, ask for your transcripts to reflect 9th grade, and the first two years of ensino mêdio.
Ask if they can provide English language versions of the documents. If not, you will have to ask for them in advance to give you time to have them translated for the school.
Translations and Credential Evaluations
If your high school does not provide English versions of your transcript and letters of recommendation, you will need to have these translated. In Brazil, Education USA provides translations at reasonable fees.
Some universities (often public universities) will require an independent evaluation of your transcript be sent before the application deadline. Organizations like WES provide this service. Check the university admissions website for this specific requirement, and service providers they recommend.
Whew! Aren't you glad you got started early on all this? Wait there's more...
You need a list of universities!
research lots of programs
identify the ones you regard as a good fit
major and academic fit your objectives
its size and location are what you are looking for and are practical
you vibe with the social aspects, culture and mission of the university
it is affordable for you
you are a competitive applicant
Admissions policies and requirements vary from university to university. Once you have a list, you will better understand specific admission requirements (deadlines, documents, testing, letters of recommendation, translation, essays, etc..) you will need.
Your strategy
Some universities have multiple deadlines. Understand and choose preferred deadlines. Then make a plan working backwards scheduling out time to fulfill each part of the application including the activity list and essays. Allow lots of time for writing essays. Plan to finish ahead of any commitments you have in October, November and December, such as vestibulares, the ENEM, graduation and the year end holidays. Do you want to be writing college essays on Dec 27? Have a plan.
I recommend my clients have a their documents in order, testing scheduled, be into their prep, and talk to their school counselor by March 1. Then, complete testing and have a final university list by July 1. This allows them to work on applications from July to Children's Day (Oct 12). With this schedule, there is ample time to send early applications with fall deadlines, give it your all for your Brazilian options, and enjoy your graduation.
For students on the northern hemisphere school calendar, this schedule also works for you.
Check out our resources page where you'll find links to many tools and information to help you research universities, register for testing and much more.